Wednesday, May 22, 2013

all for me! jk...

happy birthday to meee! almost... in about half an hour - maybe 15 minutes by the time i'm finished writing this post.

i usually care very little about my birthday but the last two years i've had weird anxiety when it comes to the night before my big day; i'm not exactly sure why, but that's how it is!

it's strangely super rainy and stormy tonight, and it's supposed to be spring-time so i'm hoping this isn't an omen on how my year to come, is!

regardless, i'm the BIG 26 tomorrow! 26 isn't a special year, at all, right? it's nothing good in Canada or the US... probably not in Europe or Asia or anywhere in the world. i guess it just means i'm in  my mid to late twenties and i'm 4 years closer to thirty! yay!

P.S. - i like ice cream cake.

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